nepali forests
ARC works with rural villages to restore Nepali forests at scale. The forests here grow at a rapid rate and are essential to preserving the area's rich biodiversity.
Jalthal Tribeni Restoration

The Jalthal Tribeni Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Initiative restoration site covers 310 hectares of deforested and degraded tropical forest in Nepal's lowlands. The Jalthal forest is a biodiversity hotspot as it is a natural habitat for a large number of unique plants and animals. Extending this forest would provide a wildlife corridor and generate more habitable space for these local species.
This site is a community-managed forest and the forest is used to provide for people’s livelihoods. The forest area is decreasing due to illegal encroachment and unsustainable logging. Initiating a project in this area would not only give meaningful employment to the local community but also aid in the enforcement and oversight of existing and developing forests.
This region is home to 110 ethnic groups. Traditional livelihood activities are mainly agriculture and livestock farming. Many young people from the region move to other countries in search of employment. With ARC projects they would no longer need to leave their community to find work.
By The Numbers
*seasonal workers
Jathal Tribeni cbfm initiative restoration site
Click thumbnail photo on the map to read more about the Jathal Tribeni CBFM Initiative Restoration Site on Restor.
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